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Our Professionals. Got a Business or Design problem? Need a talk?

We'd love to hear from you! 

Stefani Longshamp

" I wish people would listen as much as they talk " Syd's Life Motto. 


Experience in provides branding, fashion, styling, graphic, website, video and communication design services, engaging in design strategy and creative direction.


Co-Founder of Syd.esign Workshop.

" Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable. "

Kamen Tse
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" You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. "

Kaman's design philosophy. 


Creative Director of Syd.esign Workshop.

" Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Max Reinert

" There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence. "

Philip's Design Motto. 

Experience in graphic and typography design, communication design services, engaging in design strategy and creative direction.


Creative Director of Syd.esign Workshop.


" The designer does not begin with some preconceived idea. Rather, the ideas is the result of careful study and observation, and the design a product of that idea. "

Ceci Yeung

" The secret of great style is to feel good in what you wear. "

Ceci's styling tips. 

Professional in Wardrobe Styling & Personal Imaging design,  Strong sense of colors combination and material of clothing.

Fashion Stylist & Imaging Consultant of Syd.esign Workshop.


" Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life."

Bonny Tam

" Only a true friend will tell you to your face, what others are saying behind your back. "

Bonny's Life Motto. 

Experience in client activity. Appoints and directs the activities of account service management. Direct the execution of special marketing services for specific clients. 

Account Services Director of Syd.esign Workshop.

" Humanize processes to co-create value for the business and the people with whom they interact . "

Rex Lee

" Don't just think out of the box. Jump out from the box.. "

Rex's Life Motto. 

Experience in Develops and delivers marketing policies, practices and strategies to attract customers to company's website, online presence and promote online products and services.

Digital Marketing Director of Syd.esign Workshop.

" Today, people are the most effective marketing channel of your brand. "

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